Grading & Report Cards
Grading & Report Cards at North Arvada Middle School
North Arvada uses a standards-based grading system that is consistent with research-based, data-driven educational practices.
Primary goals of standards-based grading and reporting
- To assess and report what each student knows and can do about essential learning targets that are aligned with district and state content standards
- To increase clarity, communication, and a focus on learning
- To guide interventions needed for individual student success
How are content knowledge grades determined?
Content Knowledge Grades are based on student demonstration of academic achievement; therefore, Content Knowledge grades are:
- Determined by a body of academic evidence that supports the achievement of standards and learning targets.
- Determined through the use of multiple assessments over time as well as the opportunity for retakes. Retakes/multiple opportunities for demonstration of learning are an integral part of standards-based grading and reporting.
- Reflective of tasks completed, whether in or out of class, to demonstrate an understanding of content knowledge and skills (ie. assessments, demonstrations, projects, presentations, research papers, practice, etc.).
Content Knowledge Grades for each quarter reflect the standards embedded in the course during that term and should be aligned accordingly with expected progress for the semester. Baseline scores for each standard will be identified in the comment section for that learning target. The score for that standard will change, replacing the previous score, as students’ proficiency level increases.
Content Knowledge Grades for students with Individual Education Plans (IEPs) will be based on the learning standards for the content area, with appropriate accommodations provided as determined by the IEP.
How are work habit grades determined?
Work Habit Grades are determined by each team and could include a combination of classwork and homework used for practice toward mastery of an essential learning target or standard. They are also reflective of a student’s effort and participation related to our PRIDE matrix, connected to the Jeffco Generations' skill of self-direction and personal responsibility. These behaviors contribute to academic success as well as the ability to be lifelong learners and positive contributors to society.
Work habit grades
- Can be based on tasks that are assigned for practice or preparation, including homework completion and homework quality.
- Can be determined by factors such as class participation, work ethic, neatness, effort, punctuality of assignments, preparedness, respect, following classroom expectations, and journals. This data may be collected through observation and objective indicators.
- Will be specified by each TEAM (GT, 6th Grade, 7th Grade, 7/8 Grade and 8th Grade)
Each team is responsible for establishing and communicating consistent team policies and practices in this category.
Work Habit Grades for students with Individual Education Plans (IEPs) will be based upon the applicable policies and practices, with appropriate accommodations provided as determined by the IEP.
A student’s quarterly grade is reflected in two separate categories: Content Knowledge and Work Habits. The Content Knowledge category will be used to determine a student’s grade point average (GPA). Students will also be recognized for excelling in Work Habits at our regular awards ceremonies.
Quarter grade descriptors
- A = 3.5 - 4.00 - Exceeds standards for this grading period
- B = 2.6 - 3.49 - Meets standards for this grading period
- C = 1.8 - 2.59 - Is progressing toward standards for this grading period; interventions might be needed for students to meet standards in this grading period.
- D = 1.2 - 1.79 - Does not meet standards for this grading period; interventions will be
- needed for standards in this grading period
- F = 0.0 - 1.19 - Fails to provide enough evidence at this time; additional work must be completed and turned in before the teacher can decide of the student's progress
Middle and High School Report Cards
For most Jeffco middle and high schools, progress reports are issued at the end of each six-week grading period with a report card issued at the end of each trimester or semester. A student's middle and high school grades can be reviewed on the district's online parent portal.
Parents of high school students may wish to view the Board policy on high school grading for details on weighted classes, class rank and grade point average.