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Parent Teacher Student Association

We get it: life is busy and you don't have time for meetings. That's fine! We appreciate every member even if you never come to a meeting (truly, we understand!). 

Membership dues ($10) go directly to supporting programs that benefit our North Arvada Knights. 

Please contact us for more information about the benefits of a North Arvada PTSA business membership.

Volunteers Needed

We love volunteers and have lots of open positions this year. Can you help? Needed:

  • Membership Chair
  • Fundraising Chair or Co-Chair
  • and more!

If you can help, please contact us.

Support the PTSA and NAMS

King Soopers Community Rewards program


NAMS Amazon Wishlist

  • Items for the school clothing bank, food bank, classrooms, the staff lunge, and more. 
  • Wishlist items can be delivered directly to the school or you can drop them off in the main office.


  • NAMS is grateful for donations of any amount!

Contact Us

Email us to be added to the mailing list.