Dress Code
North Arvada Middle School Dress Code
A safe and disciplined learning environment is essential to a quality educational program. Districtwide standards on student attire are intended to help students concentrate on schoolwork, reduce behavior incidents, and improve school order and safety. The North Arvada Middle School dress code is developed within district guidelines to support a safe, disruption-free, appropriate learning environment for all. If clothing or accessories are disruptive to learning, then students will be sent to the main office for a change of clothes, the parent or guardian will be contacted and other consequences may take place.
Minimum Requirements
- Clothing must cover areas from one armpit across to the other armpit, down to approximately 3 to 4 inches in length on the upper thighs (see images above).
- Tops must have shoulder straps.
- Shoes must be worn at all times and should be safe for the school environment.
- See-through or mesh garments must not be worn without appropriate coverage underneath that meets the minimum requirements of the dress code.
- Headgear including hats, hoodies, and caps is not allowed unless permitted for religious, medical or other reasons by the school administration.
- Specialized courses may require specialized attire, such as sports uniforms or safety gear.
Additional Requirements
- Clothing may not depict, imply, advertise, or advocate illegal, violent, or lewd conduct, weapons, or the use of alcohol, tobacco, marijuana or other controlled substances.
- Clothing may not depict or imply pornography, nudity or sexual acts.
- Clothing may not display or imply vulgar, discriminatory or obscene language or images.
- Clothing may not state, imply, or depict hate speech or imagery targeting groups based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religious affiliation or any other protected classification.
- Sunglasses may not be worn inside the building.
- Clothing and accessories that endanger student or staff safety may not be worn. This includes but is not limited to chains, safety pins and spike gear.
- Apparel, jewelry, accessories, tattoos or manner of grooming that, by its color, arrangement, trademark or any other attribute, denotes membership in a gang that advocates illegal or disruptive behavior is prohibited.
The administration reserves the right to determine what constitutes appropriate dress.
Dress Code Guidance in Jeffco
Responsibility for student dress and appearance generally rests with individual students and their families. Students may wish to express themselves by the manner of their dress and appearance; however, students shall not wear clothing or affect an appearance at school or school-sanctioned activities or events that is disruptive to the educational environment. Jeffco Public Schools standards on student attire are intended to help students focus on schoolwork, reduce discipline problems, and improve school order and safety.
Disciplinary action for violating the student dress code shall include notifying the student of the violation and requiring that the dress or appearance be corrected before the student reenters the classroom, school environment, or school-sanctioned activity or event. At the discretion of the building-level administrator, a family conference may be held. More serious consequences may result from repeated or serious violations.